Here’s a collection of random links that I have found useful.
Fun coding challenges
Online courses
- Networks course (Prof Nick Feamster)
- SDN course (Prof Nick Feamster)
- Security course (Prof Nikolai Zeldovich)
- Distributed Systems (Prof Robert Morris)
- Systems in Haskell (Prof David Mazieres)
Great Systems Material available online
Developer resources
- Vim plugin for linux-coding-style
- Searchable linux kernel source
- Nice write-up on Vim
- Git for Computer Scientists
- Advanced git branching/merging Warning! this does start off a bit slow, skip as reqd.
Python resources
- Astropy developer resources, useful info for setting up virtualenv in python, etc
- Code like a Pythonista
- Python links from Udacity
- Hitchhiker’s guide to Python